Mashnee vessel documentation
Mashnee is a U.S. Documented Vessel. This means that the vessel is registered with the U.S. Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center. State registration is not necessary for U.S. documented vessels.
Vessel registrations can be looked up by [vessel ID number] or by [vessel name].
Official documentation number: 93248
The original, signed copy of the Certificate of Documentation must be on board at all times. A copy of the Certificate is below:
- Certificate of Documentation for Mashnee
Racing rating certificates
- Manufacturer: Zodiac
- Length: 9 feet 4 inches
- Keel: inflatable floor and keel
- Year: 2002
- Serial: XDCG6504B202
- Engine: 6HP 2001 Mercury w/inbuilt 2 gallon tank (SN: 06705064)
- Registration Number: MS8922AU
- Customer Id in Mass registration database: 467444 MIT Sailing Pavilion
- Certificate of Mass Registration for Bluewater dinghy