
Revision as of 00:02, 6 October 2010 by ThomS (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the MIT Bluewater Sailing Wiki

Please visit the MIT Bluewater Sailing page for information about Nevermore and MIT's coastal sailing program. This wiki is used as a reference and administrative tool by the people who sail Nevermore to help keep track of issues such as maintenance and repair.


Contact Info - Pavilion staff, SeaTow emergency, worker-bee skippers, local marinas

Previous Trips & Schedule - Includes GPS Track Logs

Ship Systems Status - currrent status of systems on the boat

Task List - ongoing list of things that need to be done

Shopping List - Things needed for the boat

Technical Info

Systems Descriptions - detailed enumeration of systems

Inventory - what is on the boat and where is it stowed

Vessel Documentation - U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Information

Registrations / Contracts - licenses, contracts - esp. involving Pavilion staff

Safety Requirements - official requirements for equipment aboard the boat

Nevermore Documents - tabulation of Nevermore's hard-copy docs, and some associated web references.

Orientation and Education

Sailing Terminology - just when you thought you knew english

Depart Checklist - things to do before you get underway

Return Checklist - things to do before you leave the boat

Nevermore SOPs - various operational best practices

Nevermore HowTos - how to do just about anything on the boat

Radio Channels in Boston Harbor - Useful channels to know

Bluewater Ratings - ratings and skills

Winterization - things to make the boat secure for the winter

Springification - things to make the boat ready for the sailing season


Web Links to vendors, Tartan and other boating organizations (including MIT Sailing), official regulations, terminology, and various instructional sites.


Previous Trips with crew and trips from MIT Sailing web sign-ups [password = all digits of main hatch combo]