Nav station switches

Revision as of 21:34, 24 April 2008 by ThomS (Talk | contribs)

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(return to Systems Description "12-v DC")

Bilge pump 3-way toggle switch -
UP automatic: starts when a certain level is reached, stops when lower level reached
CENTER off: pump never runs
DOWN manual: pump runs whether or not there's water to pump
  • Notes (above):
    • Do not let bilge pump run "dry"; when in DOWN position, turn switch to CENTER or UP when higher-pitch sound from pump indicates all water is pumped out.
    • Pump is NOT fused in Nav Station switch panel; fuse is inline, bundled in Battery 1 wiring, in battery compartment behind nav table seat, AGC 15-amp.

Upper horizontal row of 6 toggle switches (up is ON)
1 30-A MAIN powers (12-V) upper 2-6, lower 1-6 switches
2 10-A NAVIG LIGHTS believe lights these that Ted fixed (Aug-Sep07)
3 10-A STEAMING LIGHT blows #3 CB after drawing > 50-A
4 10-A CABIN LIGHTS not observed (Sep07)
5 10-A PRESSURE WATER shows c. 5-A when pump runs
6 10-A BLOWER (blower probably disconnected (Sep07))

Lower horizontal row of 6 switches (up is ON)
1 sw? SUMP PUMP unknown
2 sw? FORE DECK ILLUM blows CB (Sep07)
3 sw? NAVIG INSTR no observed change
4 sw? MASTHEAD LIGHT shows approx 2-amp, don't know what light goes on
5 sw? RADIO activates fixed VHF power
6 sw? ACCESSORY probably works, but passageway socket disconnected?)

Note: in AMPS column above, "sw?" means that (Apr08) we saw no amperage rating on these

switches, which may imply that they are switch-only devices, without a circuit breaker;
in this case, they use the leftmost upper switch (#1) for over-current protection.
TODO: spelunk further under the wiring pile for possible CB amperage values.
Vertical column of 7 switches (right is ON)
1 SW no caption not wired up
2 25-A Auto Pilot unknown
4 SW STROBE unknown
5 SW ANCHOR unknown?
6  ??-A PHONE unknown? (note: there's a "phone" shore conn.)
7 05-A RADAR activates RADAR power (approx 3-amp warm-up)
8 05-A NAV/COM (Thom's note says "no switch"??)

NOTE: "SW" above indicates that we observed (Apr08) no marking on these

switch units that they have a circuit-breaking function.
We unfortunately seem to have lost track of the backs of the switches and
what some of them are used for based on the panel markings: the bottom two units
as seen from the back are 5-A CBs; we know that the bottom one is not connected;
however, the table above says the next-to-bottom is for RADAR, but our notes
say the next-to-bottom 5-amp CB seen on back of panel has its wires cut; unless
Ted cut them when he took RADAR out c.Dec07, ThomS knows that the RADAR switch
indeed worked with the RADAR when basic testing was done in 2007.

Right-hand sub-panel (NAV instruments):

   (no info available yet (Sep07))

This unit controls meter illumination intensity in Nav instruments; it may also control turning them on and off. (ThomS has notes on wiring, but can't locate it Apr08.)