110v charging system (task)
Under the port side bench in the main cabin (forward of the nav station, aft of the freshwater tank) is a unit that appears to be a battery charger for when the boat is hooked to shore power.
Ted disconnected it from the 12v system when he repaired the alternator.
Someone needs to:
- look through the manual to see how it works
- verify how it should be connected to the 12v system
- verify that it is properly connected to the 110v system
- power it up to see that it works
- if it seems to work, re-connect it to the 12v system
- verify that it charges the batteries properly
- document how to use it for future reference.
NOTE: See [12-V Schem walk-thru sect 4] for description of connection to 12-V DC battery circuits for charging. The discussion there, along with the 12-V primary power schematic, answer to the "look thru the manual" and "verify how it should be connected" action items above.