Stowage Map Key

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These are the numbers assigned on the map i found on board. I will probably rework. But it's a start. -sjs

Matt Wall suggested that we keep all the maintenance stuff out of the way in the more difficult to access Vberth storage areas, and aft under pilot berth, and similar. That way more accessible stowage areas are available for cruising.

Stowage starboard.gif

STARBOARD SIDE (forward to aft)

(#) (description) CONTENTS


(1) (top drawer in V-Berth)

Stuff you stored here

(2) (2nd drawer)

Stuff you stored here

(3) (3rd drawer)

Stuff you stored here

(4) (small locker under starboard drawers)

Stuff you stored here

(5) (Starboard Locker in V Berth)

Stuff you stored here

(6) (Starboard Locker outside V Berth)

Stuff you stored here

(7) (Small Cubby under porthole)

Stuff you stored here

(8) (Cabinet behind starboard berth)

(9) (Cabinet behind starboard berth)

(10) (Cabinet behind starboard berth)

(11) (Forward Sliding Galley Cupboard)

Stuff you stored here

(12) (Middle Sliding Galley Cupboard)

-Regular Paper Towels 4 rolls (do not buy "giant size")

-Heavy Duty Shop Towels 2 rolls

-Green Trash Bags

(13) (Aft Sliding Galley Cupboard)

(NO NUMBER) Storage area above sink

-Food Service items

-plastic untensils

(NO NUMBER) Storage area next to sink under countertop

Pots and Pans

(NO NUMBER) Storage Area Under sink

-white trash can

-extra grocery bags in bottom of trash can for trash can liners

(14) Starboard Lazarette

-Docking Lines


-Spinnaker (?)

Stowage top.gif

CENTER SECTION (fore to aft)

(15) Triangle compartment under V Berth (double check)

(16) Rectangle compartment in V Berth


(18) sole boards?

(19) sole boards?

(20) sole boards?

(21) Nav Station

(?) NavStation Desk (lift up)

(?) Nav Station Top Drawer

-red flash lights

(?)Nav Station Middle Drawer

-winch handles

(?) Nav Station Bottom Drawer

-drawer sticks use it for stuff we don't need

(22, 23, 24, 25) Unclear on the map

Probably refer to all the galley storage described above under #13, I think it's better to keep all the galley stuff together. Will redo map at some point.

(26, 27, 28) ?? Stowage under Pilot berth? or Nav Station Drawers??

(29) Stern Lazarette

Stowage port.gif

PORT SIDE (aft to fore)

(30) (small EMERGENY Cabinet under Radio at Nav Station) used to Contain Emergency Supplies - see inventory

(30B) Cabinet Under Nav Station

(NO NUMBER) Compartment under Port Berth Seat

(31) (aft Shelf)

(32) (Bookshelf)

(33) (forward shelf) see inventory

(34) (aft cabinet behind port berth)

(35) (middle cabinet behind port berth)

(36) (fore cabinet behind port berth)

(37) (aft cabinet over toilet)

(38) (fore cabinet over toilet)

(39) (cabinet under sink)

(40) (port locker in V Berth)

(41) (port drawer? in V Berth)

(42) (port cabinet under V Berth) ?